AND Patterns

AND Patterns

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and band hand land sand candy standing landing handed panda Andy candle sandbox grandstand expanded landscape handles standard command sandwich bandage commander candidate

ANK Patterns

ANK Patterns

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bank rank sank tank drank thank lanky banking blanks Franklin bankers ankle frankly Yankee blankets cranky spanking thankless

AP Patterns

AP Patterns

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cap gap lap map nap rap sap tap zap flapping happen napkin rapidly apple perhaps strapped trapping clapped sapling wrapped happiness apricot captive Japanese evaporate appendix apprehend application happening

ASH Patterns

ASH Patterns

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bash mash cash Nash dash rash gash sash hash lash trash trashy ashes crash smashing ashtray flashlight  clashes trashing splashed bashful eyelashes fashion stashed cashew dashboard cashier

AS Patterns

AS Patterns

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as gas lass pass cast fast  last mast past classy passing asking basketball plastic fastening  classify astronaut  cascade asphalt asbestos fantastic asteroid passenger classification faster nasty  master lastly blasting casting pastor drastic plastic masterful plastering castanets castaway

AT Patterns

AT Patterns

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bat cat pat rat fat sat hat tat mat vat gnat patting batter fatten chatter flatten that clatter catch matching battery attack smattering rattles attic scratching platform scatter satellite